Finwave Launched its 3D GaN FinFET Technology at IMS-2022

Finwave recently exhibited at the International Microwave Symposium IMS-2022 in Denver to showcase its high-linearity mmwave 5g power amplifiers.

Current approaches are throttling 5G due to their inability to deliver the higher linearity and efficiency needed to solve uplink issues facing mmWave frequencies, which do not propagate nearly as far as microwave signals. Looking to serve as a catalyst of change, one company has emerged from stealth mode to unlock the true potential of what’s been hailed as the infrastructure of the future. Founded in 2012 by MIT researchers as Cambridge Electronics, 2022 sees the company reborn with a new moniker – Finwave Semiconductor, Inc. – and a focused mission: to revolutionize the future of 5G communications with next-generation 3D Gallium Nitride (GaN) technology.

For more information on Finwave and its Breakthrough 3DGaN™ FinFET Technology, visit